

Power of Mercedes-Benz, Topping in Korea, Japan, and USA

  • 기사입력 2015.05.17 00:45
  • 최종수정 2015.05.19 17:37
  • 기자명 Teddi Kim

German Mercedes-Benz registered record sales in Korea, Japan, and the U.S., boasting its power as the world top premium brand.

In the first four months of this year, Mercedes-Benz registered a 35.0% increase, or 15,197 units in Korea, beating its rival BMW at 13,913 units, up merely 0.8%.

Especially Mercedes-Benz topped in monthly sales, except for March, and so they will also lead annual sales unless any force majeure happening.

Benz has outpaced the decade-long market leader Volkswagen not only in Japan but in Korea, topping the list of players.

According to JAIA, Mercedes-Benz sold 3,189 units in April, up 35.6%, for consecutive two months since March, registering as the first runner in Japan.

As a result, Mercedes-Benz’s aggregated sales during January through April rose 9.1% to 22,016 units, out-numbering by some 1,500 units, compared with VW’s 20,573 units.

BMW’s aggregated sales dwindled 10% to 14,325 units during the same period, widening the gap with Benz by around 8,000 units.

In the U.S. Mercedes-Benz’s sales also hiked greatly, leading rival premium brands.

Up to April this year, Mercedes-Benz sold 115,667 units in the US, up 9.6% over the same period of last year, outperforming BMW at 105,444 units.

During the same months, Lexus made 16.8% growth to 103,056 units, running the third following Benz and BMW, while Audi is on top four with 56,925 units, up 11.9%.

Mercedes-Benz has been enjoying its height of popularity in the world market thanks to the launches of new S class, E class, and C class since the latter half of 2013.

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